Impact of family engagement for the development of the whole child

Impact of family engagement for the development of the whole child

As a first-grade classroom teacher, the development of the whole child has always been at the forefront of my thinking, but it was particularly during this past year and a half as I taught in a COVID world.  We can’t expect our students to flourish in every way if we...
4 Lessons learned during Virtual Learning

4 Lessons learned during Virtual Learning

As all educators know, shifting from in-person instruction to virtual learning has created a moment in time that has required quick learnings and rapid iterations. As a former teacher leader and current Springboard employee, I’ve taken what I learned about constantly...
Help your child become a reader

Help your child become a reader

If you’ve ever watched a child learn how to read, it seems magical. One day they are struggling through letters and sounding out words and the next they are reading full sentences. But reading isn’t really magic. Although it’s a complex process, it can be boiled down...