The Impact of Springboard Programs

My teacher and my mom are working together to help me with my reading, and they say I’m getting better every day! Look how much progress kids like me have made:

Number of students who met their reading growth goals

Through programs like Springboard Summer and Springboard Afterschool, we are working with students, families, and teachers across the country to close the literacy gap. Check out our progress so far…


Program demographics

Number of students

Race and ethnicity


Grade level

Kindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade+

Reading growth

End-of-program gains

10 weeks average reading growth: 2.5 monthsAfterschool student growth: 4.1 months

Reading growth goals

Met goal Met and exceeded goal Did not meet goals

Reading at home

An analysis of nearly 10 million students found that 15 minutes seems to be the “magic number” for substantial positive gains in reading achievement. We strive to help students build (or maintain) the habit of reading at home for at least 15 minutes per day!

Reading with an adult

Minutes per day
Before Springboard AfterschoolDuring Springboard AfterschoolGoal: 15 minutes per day

Reading independently

Minutes per day
Before Springboard AfterschoolDuring Springboard AfterschoolGoal: 15 minutes per day

Family engagement

Family workshop experience

“At the Springboard Family workshops, I learned strategies to help my child learn outside of school.”

Teacher workshop experience

“Family Workshops helped me connect with students’ family members.”

Action plan completion rate

Teachers create customized action plans for students to help them reach their reading goals. Then, teachers and families work together to support students in reading at home, completing their action plan, and ultimately reaching their growth goals!

Educator growth

Teacher-to-coach ratio

Having a low teacher-to-coach ratio ensures teachers are able to receive personalized feedback and set relevant professional growth goals.

Teacher growth survey

“If a family member asks how to help their child at home, I always know what to tell them.”

Before SpringboardAfter Springboard

Leader growth survey

“I know how to use data to inform my conversations with teachers.”

Before SpringboardAfter Springboard


Program demographics

Number of students

Race and ethnicity

This summer, 88% of Springboard scholars were Black or Latinx:


Grade level completed before summer began

Pre-KindergartenKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade

Reading growth

End-of-summer gains

End of school yearTypical end of summer: possible 3-month lossAfter Springboard: 6.4-month gain

Reading growth goals

Met goalMet and exceeded goalDid not meet goal

Reading at home

An analysis of nearly 10 million students found that 15 minutes seems to be the “magic number” for substantial positive gains in reading achievement. We strive to help students build (or maintain) the habit of reading at home for at least 15 minutes per day!

Reading with an adult

Springboard families spent more time reading with their children:

Minutes per day
Before Springboard SummerDuring Springboard SummerGoal: 15 minutes per day

Reading independently

Minutes per day
Before Springboard SummerDuring Springboard SummerGoal: 15 minutes per day

Family engagement

Family workshop attendance

Family workshop experience

“My child’s reading improved during the Springboard program.”

Teacher workshop experience

“Family Workshops helped me connect with students’ family members.”

Action plan completion rate

Teachers create customized action plans for students to help them reach their reading goals. Then, teachers and families work together to support students in reading at home, completing their action plan, and ultimately reaching their growth goals!

Educator growth

Teacher-to-coach ratio

Having a low teacher-to-coach ratio ensures teachers are able to receive personalized feedback and set relevant professional growth goals.

Teacher growth survey

“If a family member asks how to help their child at home, I always know what to tell them.”

Before Springboard SummerAfter Springboard Summer

Leader growth survey

“I start difficult conversations when I believe the conversation will lead to solutions.”

Before Springboard SummerAfter Springboard Summer
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Working with Diego’s teacher to help Diego reach his reading goals has been such an amazing experience. Family workshops help me be a better tutor for Diego at home to make sure he stays on track.
Springboard not only helped me improve my literacy instruction skills, but it also helped me become better at engaging my students’ families. The extra support I’m now getting from parents has been incredible!