4 Lessons learned during Virtual Learning

4 Lessons learned during Virtual Learning

As all educators know, shifting from in-person instruction to virtual learning has created a moment in time that has required quick learnings and rapid iterations. As a former teacher leader and current Springboard employee, I’ve taken what I learned about constantly...
Partnerships: A key to distance learning

Partnerships: A key to distance learning

The challenges of distance learning for Allie Becker of The DePaul Catholic School in Philadelphia, PA, and her students are all too familiar. Families with no technology in their homes, parents stretched thin as they support multiple children at home, children not...
Distance learning and building connections

Distance learning and building connections

During this time of distance learning, I am reminded of the importance of connection.  As human beings, we are wired for connection. Being with others promotes our overall well-being, and relationships are at the heart of these connections. It is during times of...