Springboard Connect

Springboard App
Springboard Mission

Welcome to Springboard Connect, your home literacy companion!

Simply enter your phone number and your child’s first name. We will send you a sign up link via text. No download required!
Springboard Mission

Springboard Connect Information Flyer

Springboard Mission
Springboard Mission

How does it benefit families?

There is no smaller classroom than a family’s living room, and there is no more organic, cost-effective, or scalable way to personalize instruction than through a parent. Through Springboard Connect, we leverage technology to build a lighter-touch, lower-cost app that helps families develop and maintain home literacy habits. In its beta phase, Springboard Connect intends to:

Empower parents and family members as reading coaches by delivering high-quality and targeted reading strategies

Increase time students spend reading at home, independently or with their family, through habit-building and progress tracking tools

Enable two-way communication between teachers and families through translated messaging tools

“Parents with higher reading-related knowledge tend to give more praise, which sustains children throughout their learning, while at the same time they more often teach their children critical connections they need in order to read.” – Family engagement research study by Concordia University

Springboard Mission

How does it benefit my school(s)?

On average, a single Springboard Summer intervention is enough to get Kindergarteners and 1st graders reading on grade-level. For school leaders, this creates an interesting challenge: should they re-enroll those children in programming or should they cede their seat to a struggling reader that has not yet experienced Springboard? The Springboard app will present a third option: a lighter touch, lower cost support that will help families sustain literacy habits beyond programming. In its current iteration, the app is designed to:

Give teachers and site managers visibility into students’ at-home reading habits and progress

Serve as a data-rich platform for school leaders

Springboard Mission

Simply enter your phone number and your child’s first name. We will send you a sign up link via text. No download required!

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