68% of fourth graders are not proficient in reading*

68% of fourth graders are not proficient in reading*

If dramatically improving reading outcomes was easy, more children would be reading on grade level by fourth grade across the nation. It’s been a costly and time-consuming effort to address early literacy needs and scores haven’t improved much. Yet there’s a solution. It’s been producing remarkable results. This solution is hiding in plain sight: coaching families to help kids read. That’s what we do at Springboard Collaborative and we’re on a mission to serve more students and their families in the years to come.

Springboard Collaborative coaches families and educators to partner to help kids read on grade level by 4th grade.

We believe that families are a hugely untapped natural resource in education. If we learn to better engage families as partners in teaching and learning, we can achieve more equitable outcomes for historically marginalized students.
We coach district teachers to run our 5-10 week “playbook”, which combines small group instruction for Pre-K through 3rd graders using lessons that align with the science of reading, workshops that upskill families to teach reading at home, and professional development for teachers.
Springboard’s implementation team trains and coaches your teachers along the way to ensure their success.

When educators and parents collaborate, the results are extraordinary.


In just 7-10 weeks, students who read behind grade level before joining Springboard have successfully closed the gap to grade-level proficiency by 47% by the end of programming.


In 7-10 weeks, students gained approximately 5 months of reading growth in average essential literacy skills.


Teachers claimed that working with Springboard Collaborative helped their professional development


Teachers learned new techniques in literacy instruction.

Meet our partners

*National Assessment of Educational Partners

We’re booking for January now. Let’s make an impact together.